Sunday, April 22, 2012

Tulips on Tuesday

So, James is selling cars at the downtown Hyundai dealerships, which means that he works all day every Saturday, but instead gets every Tuesday off.
This mostly sucks, because I can't hang out with anyone on Saturday, because clearly they are all spending time with their families, as they should be.  But it does mean that we get to hang out on Tuesday when there are less crowds at fun places? I'm trying to see the upside of this.
Well, this last Tuesday we spent our 'weekend' going to see the tulip festival at Thanksgiving Point.  I am from Washington, which means when I heard the words "tulip festival," this is what I envisioned:

Thaaaaaaat's not really what they have at Thanksgiving Point.  It's mostly like this:

So, not quite the visual impact of acres of tulips, but still pretty.  But the grounds are spectacular and look something like this:

So, basically, we wandered around for an hour and a half, taking in the sights and taking tons of photos, as we imagined ourselves to be highly artistic.  It was mainly a good opportunity to get some cute family pics like these:

So it turned out to be a fun day. 
Not a Saturday, but a fun day nonetheless.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

October to Present

Oh dear.  It turns out I am quite a horrible blog correspondent.  In all fairness, rearing and increasingly mobile child does tend to take up all of one's time.  And  yet I have good friends with three times that many who manage to do a better job blogging consistently.  Oh well.  All I can do is hope this glut of pictures from Thanksgiving to present will somewhat make up for my poor communications.
For Halloween, Rigby was a dinosaur.  Well, actually, he was supposed to be Norbert the Norwegian Ridgeback since James went as Hagrid and I went as Bellatrix to Winnie and Sarah's annual halloween party.  James wore dry wall stilts.  It was hilarious.  Between his ridiculous height and the ridiculously cute infant, we had the best costume contest in the bag.

Next, Nana and Poppa came up for Thanksgiving.

fun times had by all.  Particularly when the little boys had their first visit with Santa!

Before Nana and Poppa Norman left on their mission, Rigs got some quality time with them, too.

Then came Christmas in Washington!

Oh, by the way, on this trip to Leavenworth for a sled ride, our car broke down.  To this day, it waits in Washington to be fixed.

I know things happened in the rest of January, February and March.  I just apparently didn't want to make memories of those things and didn't take pictures.  There are pictures of Chase's wedding on facebook, etc. where you can see a little of that window of time.

THEN, just recently, was Rigby's first birthday!!!

He was a doll, there was cake involved.  All was well.  Plus, Nana came out for the party!  Hard to believe it's really been a year since I first started this blog and vented my misery from the NICU.  Rigby's a healthy, huge, and happy baby boy.  We're so blessed.

AAAAAAAAND, that just about catches us up.  Oh, wait, one more thing:

We're expecting this little bundle of trouble in October.  Sara thinks it's obscene to post sonograms, so I didn't put it on facebook, but I figure the only people who see this are my closest compatriots, anyways. FYI, it was a surprise to all involved, except Heavenly Father.

I'll try to be better about posting, but given that our load is about to literally double, I'm not making any promises!